Sunday, April 6, 2014


Okay, first post…Go! I kept wanting to create this and post something. I would push it off further and further away, mostly because of nerves I suppose. What do I have to be nervous about; maybe a little because I am bearing a bit of my soul for people to see? So I’m pushing nerves aside and finally posting. I am a writer and pretty much anything can inspire me. I get all of these little snippets in my head that just float around and they are always there in the back of my mind. So I will be posting those on here as well as my tumblr. Anything fandom related will also be posted on AO3. I love art, fashion, music, cute animals (ultimate weakness, I swear!), and movies and TV of course. I love baking and usually do so from scratch, so every once in a while I might post those. Basically to sum everything up; I’m a dreamer and this blog will be about all where those dreams take me. So I hope you enjoy.